Wednesday, November 7, 2007

What God can do when we are real!

These past few months have been awesome for me! On the outside they may seem like they have been really rough and really hard, but God has been doing some amazing things and it has made me feel really encouraged.

About 2 months ago I was on my way back from Naperville and was just listening to music and having some time to myself. A lot of times I take that time and use it for me to relax a bit, but that night I remember really praying and talking with God on my way back (and yes you can talk to God with your eyes open haha). Anyways I still remember just torn with everything going on in my life. I didn't know whether God was calling me into ministry or into physical therapy. What came next was one of those "real" moments. I remember kinda wrestling with God. I can almost relate it to when God wrestled with Jacob and he came out with a bum hip. I just felt like I came out with a bum heart. I felt like at that point God had really touched my heart, like he had really called me into something. I was listening to Embracing Accusation by Shane and Shane and just remember feeling chills.

There was a point though when I just had to ask, well more sternly tell haha, God that I neeeded to know where he wanted me. I wanted to do what he wanted me to do, I wanted to do his will. From that point on EVERYTHING I read, everything I heard, everything I experienced, led me to feel, believe, and know more and more that God was calling me into full time ministry for Him.

And ya know what, I can't wait!